Application Details
You must complete the online application and submit all required documents by the deadline of Friday, March 14, 2025. However, if your application is completed by February 14, we will communicate with you by March 18, 2025. We will make all admission decisions by April 25, 2025. Please call 505-277-5462 or email with questions. Please gather all of your application information and documentation prior to submitting.
*Please note there is a Save and Resume feature of the form. If you choose to save your application and finish at a later date, please use the save link sent to you rather than starting a new application. The link is live for 30 days.
Applicants must first view the required materials and complete instructions, the PLSI Application Information and Important Dates
The Pre-Law Summer Institute is supported by the funding of the Bureau of Indian Education, the Law School Admission Council, as well as individual grants and donations.